The Dilla Dimension (2015)

An interactive, short film crafted to a selection of tracks from J Dilla's legendary album, Donuts.

The Dilla Dimension was launched on Dilla Day 2015 to celebrate the 9th year of the album's release and the life of one of hiphop’s most innovative & influential figures.

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Studio: Cartelle
Role: Creative Direction, storyboarding, 3d, mechanics and Production
Co-created with Johnny Slack and Fredrik Weinestad
Soundtrack: J-Dilla

Awards: FWA SOTD (25 MARCH 2015)

Experiments with Google

The Dilla Dimension by Cartelle Interactive Arts – The Dilla Dimension is an interactive, short film that tells the story of two sugarcoated souls and their psychedelic journey through outer space.

It's Nice That

Brilliant J Dilla Donuts tribute, the very trippy Dilla Dimension - Back in 2006, three days before his death, rapper and producer J Dilla released Donuts – a now critically acclaimed album created almost entirely from his hospital bed.

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